2011 Northwest Orchid Society Research Awards
Each year the Northwest Orchid Society offers funding for student research projects related to
orchids. These awards (typically $1000 or less) are open to undergraduate and graduate students
enrolled in certified institutions of higher education in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.
Proposals are judged on the basis of experimental/research quality and must have some direct
relationship to orchids (examples: conservation biology, orchid relationships with and/or
adaptation to the environment, pollination biology, propagation, and tissue culture). This year’s
deadline for receipt of proposals is April 25. Award recipients must agree to submit a brief report
at the end of the grant period (1 year) and, if possible, give a short talk about their project at an
NWOS meeting in Seattle.
Submission requirements
By snail or electronic mail, submit a 1- to 3-page proposal outlining the nature of the research,
research plans and procedures, the availability of necessary equipment and supplies, and a simple
budget (how the money will be used). A curriculum vitae is optional. The student’s supervising
professor also must submit a short letter of support.
Address submissions to Kathy Murray, NWOS Scholarship Chair: kandmmurray@frontier.com
Or mail to: Kathy Murray, scholarship chair
Northwest Orchid Society
4124 Cliff Drive
Everett, WA 98203