Volunteer avian field positions – Laysan Island (Near Hawaii)


Closing Date: January 31, 2012* The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is

seeking 2 – 3 volunteers for the summer field season on Laysan Island

(March-September). Laysan Island is a 1000 acre coralline island located

about 900 miles northwest of O’ahu. The island is frequently referred to

as the “jewel” of Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. This

amazing island hosts ~ 1 million seabirds and endemic avian, plant, and

marine species such as the endangered Laysan finch, the Laysan duck and

Cyperus pennatiformis var. bryanii (sedge), Pritchardia remota (fan

palm), Hawaiian green sea turtle, and Hawaiian monk seal. It is

considered to be among the most intact terrestrial ecosystems in the

Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and the only island with an inland lake.

For more information on Laysan Island see

http://papahanaumokuakea.gov/about/laysan.html. As a volunteer you will

have the opportunity to travel to and live in this remote setting. You

will be surrounded by birds, sea life, and native vegetation. Laysan is

a remote site, only accessible by ship. It is a four day ship ride from

Oahu to Laysan. On the island, all transportation is by foot. Living

conditions consist of an 8’x10’ weatherport tent for personal use, and

several 16’x20’ tents for communal/food storage and prep/working.

Personal communications from the field are limited to “text only” e-mail

(no internet). Additionally, in an effort to prevent the introduction of

non-native species, the USFWS enforces a quarantine procedure for all

items to be transported to the island. As part of this quarantine, all

“soft” items (clothing, shoes, straps, etc.) must be purchased new and

frozen 48 hours prior to departure to Laysan. All “hard” items (cameras,

musical instrumental, snorkeling gear, etc.) may either be inspected and

cleaned thoroughly and frozen or bug-bombed prior to departure.

Volunteers are expected to work 44 hours/week. However, this does not

necessarily mean 8-5 M-F, but may also include evenings and weekends.

Primary responsibilities of the Summer Tour include: invasive plant

monitoring and removal (majority of the time is spent working with

invasive), native plant propagation, monitoring the reproductive success

of Laysan and black-footed albatross, banding albatross chicks, bird

surveys including Laysan duck monitoring and Laysan finch surveys,

vegetation surveys, green sea turtle nest monitoring, entomological

surveys, data collection and management, and weekly and summary

reporting. Additionally volunteers will be expected to help with regular

camp maintenance and chores. Requirements: Must be able to commit to the

entire Tour duration; ability to work well with a small team in a

professional and safe manner and be flexible upon work assignments; walk

10 miles per day; lift 50 lbs; able to swim well in ocean conditions;

capable of identifying birds by call; comfortable with herbicide use;

and have full color eyesight correctable to 20/20. Prior experience in

the following is preferred but not necessarily required: invasive

species control and mapping, native plant propagation, waterfowl

surveys, monitoring avian reproductive success, color-band resight and

spotting scope use, shorebird and seabird monitoring and identification,

data management, and familiarity with Word, Excel, ArcGIS, and GPS

units. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will provide: housing and a living

stipend while in Honolulu, transportation between Honolulu and Laysan, a

stipend for quarantine clothes, and food and housing while on Laysan.

*Applications will be evaluated as they arrive, and these positions may

be filled by the closing date. Please submit a cover letter, resume, and

at least three references to: MICHELE KUTER, (EM: Michele_Kuter AT
