COMMON MURRE – BALD EAGLE INTERACTIONS in Oregon: Two summer interns needed for seabird studies at sites on the north and south coast.

Position extends from May 1 – August 15, 2012 (start and end times flexible). The primary duties for this position include studying reproduction of common murres and disturbance events at breeding colonies. Interns will be trained to work independently and with graduate students who study seabirds and bald eagles as part of the Seabird Oceanography Lab at Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center. This study is in collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Many additional educational and recreational opportunities exist for interns on the Oregon coast. Duties: Field data collection and observation periods of

3-8 hours often in inclement weather (including wind, rain and cold

temperatures) and early morning hours; interaction with the general public while also observing seabirds and recording data from busy public viewing areas; ability to carry up to 50 pounds and work from high, exposed locations; data entry, organization and management in field notebooks and Microsoft Excel; analysis of video footage and ability to record parameters of disturbance events described inprotocol; proper use and care of binoculars, spotting scopes, digital cameras, remote video set-ups and other field equipment (we will train you); possible travel to additional sites on the Oregon coast for field observations and data collection Qualifications: Student or recent graduate in fisheries and wildlife, natural resources, biology, or a related field; experience working with seabirds, birds and/or collecting field data; proficiency with Microsoft Office programs; valid driver’s license. The ideal candidate will be: well organized, punctual and reliable; display a positive attitude and desire tolearn; work well both individually and as part of a team ; possess good inter-personal skills when interacting with the public. Compensation: $500 per month and shared housing, Deadline to Apply: February 27, 2012, Application: resume, cover letter and contact information for three references to CHERYLHORTON, (EM:

hortonc AT