The Devils Lake Water Improvement District, a small, local government, in Lincoln City, Oregon is seeking a college intern for the summer. This internship will provide the right candidate a substantial work

experience in scientific inquiry and governmental operations. The intern will work under the direction of the

Lake Manager and will support the District’s efforts in conducting water quality monitoring, educational

outreach, data processing, document archiving, and website maintenance. The intern will participate in weekly

field and laboratory work including lake sampling and beach water quality monitoring programs for E. coli and

cyanobacteria. The intern will also focus on outreach, educating lake users and property owners about lake

management issues and restoration objectives for the lake. Pertinent skills and interests held by candidates

applying for this internship may be incorporated into the work plan and applicants are encouraged to provide

suggestions in their application.

Requirements & Attributes:

• College student should have at least a Junior Standing or a recommendation from academic advisor

• Successful course and lab work in Environmental Science, Chemistry and/or Biology

• Strong interpersonal skills, self starter, and ability to work independently

• Strong computer skills: Proficiency in MS Excel, MS Word and MS Access desired

• Familiarity with ArcGIS 9.3 or similar version desired

• Familiarity with web design, specifically Dreamweaver 8.0 or similar, desired

• Interns seeking credit will be responsible for arranging for such through their academic institution.

This is a paid internship. The intern may investigate obtaining college credit through their academic

institution. The intern will work though a temporary agency and receive an hourly compensation of $10/hr. The

placement is funded for up to 17 full-time weeks. Placement will start one week after the end of the academic

Spring Term and run through to one week prior to the beginning of the student’s Fall Term. Some flexibility of

hours will be required and will be available to the intern, but generally the schedule will be from 8 am – 5 pm

weekdays with some evening meetings and some weekends spent conducting outreach to lake users.

The overall experience of working in a small governmental entity will serve the intern in future job

searches carrying over into non-profit or the private sectors, and/or academia. The intern will be afforded

substantial field time and will gain experience in instrumental analysis, proper sampling protocol, data

acquisition, and data management. Specifically the intern will be trained to conduct lab work to include the

analysis of environmental samples for cyanotoxins, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, temperature, and

turbidity. Intern will also help organize an annual lake event as well as complete a vital records archive.

Interested parties should send a cover letter, resume, and unofficial transcripts to

Paul Robertson, Lake Manager: by April 10, 2012.

Devils Lake Water Improvement District

PO Box 974

Lincoln City, Oregon 97367

An Equal Opportunity Employer