Program Covenant

This program is an experimental and collaborative enterprise.  You, the students, are responsible for your learning as well as that of your peers.  Covenant agreements represent the minimum effort required for credit and it is expected that the large majority of students will surpass these minimums.  We look for you to be willing to do your best and to try new ideas and new ways of learning and expressing yourself. We want each student to try to optimize his or her progress within the program, whatever your prior experience with program material may be. It is preferable that you risk overextending yourself, rather than  “playing it safe” and gaining less of what the program has to offer.  An important objective of the program is that you become self-directed in your work and participate actively in the learning community. We are creating a dynamic learning community that deepens all of our education through active learning, theoretical studies and experiential practices.

The following points of agreement have been laid out between the students and faculty of this program to ensure that there is a clear understanding of what is expected of each.  Failure to meet these understandings and obligations will result in loss of credit.  It is the stipulation of both the state and federal governments that those 16-quarter hours of credit are equal to forty to fifty hours of course-related activity per week (including class time).  The workload of all full-time programs is designed to be three hours of student work (including class) per week per credit hour.

Expectations of Students

The learning community can expect students to:

  1. Enroll for the two-quarters.  If you know that you can’t meet this expectation, we strongly urge you to consider enrolling in a different program.
  1. Complete all assignments and present them at the assigned time. In all but the most extenuating of circumstances, work that is submitted past its due date and time will not be evaluated by faculty and the evaluation will state that the work was not submitted in a timely fashion. If you fail to turn in more than two seminar tickets, two financial health homework assignments, or any major pieces of program work, you will lose credit. There is no make-up for the in-class exams.
  1. Email (or post to your forum if appropriate) major assignments that are due on a day when you must be absent.  If the assignment was to be turned in as a hard copy, you are also expected to turn in that hard copy when you return to the program.
  1. Attend all program activities. Attendance will be taken at the start of all class meetings. If you miss more than 12 hours of class time, it is likely that you will lose credit in the program.Attendance alone is not sufficient to justify credit. A loss of credit for attendance is in addition to a loss of credit for not completing work.  That is, good attendance is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for credit. There are no “excused” absences and you don’t have to check in with us when you miss class
  1. Stay home if you think that you are sick and contagious, or take measures to be sure that you don’t spread it to others.
  1. In the event that you are are absent, contact your peer learning group for information you may miss BEFORE contacting faculty.
  1. Arrive on time.  Tardiness is not acceptable. Roll will be taken when class begins, so if you are late, it is your responsibility to ensure that your assigned faculty member has checked you in.  Arriving more than 30 minutes late to any session, or leaving more than 30 minutes early from any session will have the same impact on your attendance record as if you had not been present.
  1. Stay informed about the program and its schedule. Check the program website and your email daily during the week.
  1. Approach your work with dedication and invest the necessary time to produce significant results.  Seek assistance immediately whenever you need clarification.
  1.  Submit a typed, signed self-evaluation draft on the college evaluation form.  This needs to be submitted on the assigned day. You must also submit typed, signed faculty evaluation of each seminar faculty by the time of your evaluation conference.  Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the right to an evaluation conference and loss of credit.
  1. Abide by Evergreen’s Social Contract.
  1. Take responsibility for contacting Access Services at the very beginning of the quarter regarding any health condition or disability that may require accommodations to participate effectively in this program. For faculty to consider your condition (in giving extra time on exams, for example), it must be documented by the Access Services director who will send the written notice to your seminar faculty.
  1. Use laptop computers in class (but not seminar) only for note taking and program work, not for emailing, web surfing or other non – program activities.
  1. Maintain clean individual and collective workspaces. This includes your body.  If you like to go barefoot rather than wearing shoes, please bring a towel with you on Thursday afternoons and wash your feet off in the CRC bathroom BEFORE stepping on the dance floor.
  1. Respect and abide by all Evergreen policies.

Expectations of Faculty

The learning community can expect faculty members to:

  1. Be prepared for lectures, workshops, and other activities as scheduled.
  2. Be available to support and implement program activities.
  3. Give timely feedback to student assignments.
  4. Notify students mid-quarter if their work‑to‑date is not meeting the requirements for full credit.
  5. Write an evaluation for each assigned student.
  6. Participate in the administrative business of the program.
  7. Work to create a community that respects differences and encourages an environment where students and faculty can learn with and from each other.
  8. Abide by Evergreen’s Social Contract:
  9. Uphold learning community covenant values.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

The drug and alcohol policies of the state and the college are fully in force during all program activities on and off campus. 

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is expected of all members of the community. Avoid all forms of academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabricating, and plagiarizing are reasons for dismissal from the program with zero credit (and possibly dismissal from the college). Academic honesty includes but is not limited to the following:

  1. Plagiarism defined as appropriating or incorporating any other person’s work in one’s own work without full and clear acknowledgement.
  2. Copying from another person’s work without proper acknowledgement
  3. Using unauthorized assistance or materials to complete an academic project or assignment
  4. Unauthorized collaboration with any other person during the completion of independent academic work
  5. Knowingly falsifying or assisting in falsifying in whole or in part the contents of one’s academic work
  6. Permitting any other person to substitute oneself to complete academic work
  7. Engaging in any academic behavior specifically prohibited by a faculty member in the course covenant or syllabus or class discussion.

Also, it is vital and expected that each assignment be an original piece of work (i.e. the piece has never been submitted to, or has not been the basis for an assignment in another program).

Good Housekeeping

  1. Conflict resolution.  Although we will all strive to maintain a smooth‑running program, conflict happens and can be healthy if handled well. Resolution of disagreement between a student and a faculty member should be attempted first by the two parties involved, then with the whole faculty team. If resolution cannot be reached at this point, we will use the college’s established grievance procedure. Students should strive to resolve conflict between themselves, but your faculty is available to act as mediators if needed.  Students are encouraged to make use of the Conflict Assistance, Resources and Empowerment (CARE) Network:
  2. Full credit will be given when students fulfill the college-level requirements and standards of the program. The evaluation is used to describe the QUALITY of the student’s work. Thus, a student could actually receive credit, but also receive evaluations that reflect poor quality work. On the flip side, a student could attend regularly but receive partial or no credit because of poor quality or missing work.
  3. Partial credit. This program awards 16‑quarter hours. Students may not enroll for less than 16 credits.
  4. Letters of recommendation may be requested for jobs, scholarships and graduate programs at the conclusion of the program. Letters of recommendation are for students who complete the program. It is up to each faculty member to decide whether or not to write such a letter.  Students should provide faculty with the exact destination address, name of person to whom the letter should be addressed, as well as a copy of the goal statement and cover letter that the student has written to the agency or institution.  If faculty need to fill out a form, make sure the student portion has been filled out. In general, we need two to three weeks to complete a letter of recommendation request.
  5. A student may be asked to leave the program if his or her behavior is consistently disruptive, antagonistic, and/or impedes the program from progressing. The faculty members’ decision will be binding.  The students always have access to the college’s grievance procedures.

Collective teaching experience has shown us that establishing and abiding by clear guidelines significantly improves the quality of the learning experience for everyone involved. It is an integral component of our success as a learning community.

IMPORTANT NOTE: A student’s continued registration in this program indicates his or her willingness and agreement  to abide by these duties and responsibilities.







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