House Higher Education Focuses on Budget

This morning the House Higher Education Committee held a work session on higher education funding and budget priorities.

The Committee heard several overviews regarding the recent history of higher education funding in Washington and the impact of the Governor’s proposed 2011-13 biennial budget. Presentations were provided by Legislative staff, the Governor’s Office, and the Council of Presidents.

Following this overview, each four-year, public institution of higher education provided a brief presentation regarding the impacts of the Governor’s proposed budget and the impact of state funding reductions over the last few years.  Due to time constraints, Evergreen will provide their presentation on Monday, January 17.

The Committee wrapped-up their discussion with a student panel of representatives from the Washington Student Association to share their perspectives.

Note: All committee presentations can be found on the House Higher Education Committee’s website by clicking on Committee Meeting Documents, selecting the date and work session, and then selecting the presentation