House Higher Education Holds Public Hearings on Credit Related Legislation

This the fourth week of session kicked off with a public hearing in House Higher Education on a handful of bill that could have impacts on the credits student earn for a higher education degree.

House Bill 1522 would require collaboration among higher education institutions and state agencies to incrase the number of students who receive credit for prior learning and increase the types of credits awarded for prior learning.

Evergreen testified in support of the legislation. Evergreen recognizes prior academic credit through the College’s Prior Learning from Experience (PLE) Program. Evergreen typically has 30 students a year enter our PLE program, and just over 20 a year finish with “extra” credits earned for their prior learning.  

Evergreen asked the Committee to clarify language regarding the goal to standardize programs to ensure the legislation will allow Evergreen to collaborate with the work group identified in this legislation and continue our current policy which we believe serves student well.

House Bill 1525 etablishes a work group to create a single set of common course numbers and common course descriptions for all common lower division courses at all public institutions of higher education. 

Evergreen testified in support of the intention of the bill to make transfer as seamless as possible, but asked to be exempted from the legislation because Evergreen does not offer courses and does not have course numbers. Instead, the College offers single, comprehensive programs rather than a series of separate courses.  In addition, we expressed concern that if directed to adopt courses and a numbering system, Evergreen would greatly restrict the transfer policy that is currently in place.

House Bill 1394 lifts restrictions on higher education institutions with respect to meetings, personal services contracts, equipment purchases, out-of-state travel and hiring.  The Evergreen State College signed-in to support this legislation but did not testify.

The Committee also moved several bills forward through the process for further consideration including:

  • House Bill 1221 – Regarding the rights of certain higher education students involved in military service
  • House Bill 1424 – Regarding administrative consistency in student financial aid programs.
  • House Bill 1425 – Concerning the HECB’s responsibilities with regard to health sciences and services authorities.

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