Senate Hears Key Higher Education Policy Bill

Yesterday the Senate Ways & Means Committee held a public hearing on several bills that have been deemed necessary to implement the budget.  Among the bills heard by the committee was a bill that would provide a framework for higher education with regard to tuition, financial aid, and accountability and performance measures over the next four biennia (2011-2019).

Senate Bill 5915 would appropriate tuition in the operating budget for the 2011-13 biennium for all institutions and then allow for tuition flexibility beginning in the 2013-2015 biennium through the 2017-2019 biennium for all students. After 2019 tuition setting authority would revert back to the Legislature.

The tuition flexibility established in the bill beginning in 2013 is contingent on the successful negotiation of a performance contract and full mitigation of any tuition increase above 9% for Evergreen, CWU, and EWU and 11% for WWU, UW, and WSU for all students at 125% or below Median Family Income (MFI).

In addition the bill includes metrics established in the National Governor’s Association Complete to Compete initiative, a new Baccalaureate Incentive Program, efforts to increase federal tax credit requirements, and transfer provisions.

Representatives from the business community and the higher education institutions, including Evergreen, testified in support of the bill.  Testimony focused on the benefits the bill would provide to students and institutions of higher education.