House Operating Budget Moves to the Floor

Yesterday the House Ways & Means Committee moved the proposed biennial operating budget out of committee and to the House floor. The bill was approved on a vote of 16-11 in committee.

The committee adopted several amendments of which a handful impacted higher education. Among the changes was the elimination of the reserve hold back for progress on academic metrics in FY13 for all institutions.  Though the hold back remains for FY12 language was added which requires the Governor in making the determination to release these funds to make all best efforts to recognize the unique role, missions, types of communities and student populations of each institution of higher education.

In addition language was added to clarify that biennial funding for STEM enrollments for all institutions are for increased enrollments and each institution must report to the Legislature at the end of each academic year on how these funds affected STEM graduation rates.
Finally, $4.7 million was restored to the Higher Education Coordinating Board.
The budget was brought to the floor late this afternoon. It is expected that  tomorrow (Friday) the House will begin debate on amendments. Final passage of the budget proposal is planned for Saturday.  As for the Senate it is expected that they will release their budget early next week.