Washington Legislature Begins Special Session

Today at Noon the Washington Legislature convened the 2010 first special session. The Senate held a Pro Forma session at Noon to pass resolutions that determine the rules that will guide policymakers during this session.

In particular, both the House and Senate passed House Concurrent Resolution 4409 which specifies the status of bills, memorials, and resolutions for the 2010 first special session of the sixty-first legislature.

The passage of HCR 4409 allows the legislature to consider bills, joint resolutions, joint memorials and concurrent resolutions introduced during the 2010 regular legislative session during the special session.  In addition, all bills, joint resolutions, joint memorials and concurrent resolutions introduced in the 2010 regular session are reintroduced in the chamber in which they originated and will retain the same number and be given the highest legislative status attained upon adjournment.

So now what was old is new again.