System Design Takes Center Stage

Last week, the  House Higher Education Committee met to preview three major policy reports/recommendations for higher education in Washington.

The hearing provided those of us in the audence a sense of the direction the wind is blowing on issues ranging from tuition policy to system design.  

It was clear that the greatest amount of attention was given to the work done on system design for higher education. This is not to say that tuition or technology policy, both on the agenda, were not critical. Instead it is likely that tuition policy and tranformations in the delivery of technology in higher education will be key components that will be dicussed and acted upon with the context of the system design work done over the interim.

All three reports remain in draft status as recommendations and language are finalized.  Given the testimony during the hearing it is clear that further discussion and dialogue will continue as these reports move from the Higher Education Coordinating Board and into the legislative arena.

For information on system design, tuition policy, and technology transformation go to: