Latest on State Budgets and Tuition Policy

Tomorrow, Tuesday February 23 is a pivotal day for higher education in the 2010 supplemental legislative session.

In the morning, the Senate will release their proposed 2010 supplemental operating and capital budgets at a press conference. The press conference is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. in the Cherberg Building in Senate Hearing Room 4 and will be televised on TVW.

Following the release of the Senate proposed budgets, the House Higher Education Committee will hold a hearing on Senate Bill 6562 – the tuition policy bill.  The public hearing will take place beginning at 10:00 a.m. in Hearing Room A.

At lunch time, 12:15 p.m., the House will release their proposed 2010 supplemental operating budget in the John L. O’Brien Building in Hearing Room A.  The release of the House operating budget will also be televised on TVW.

In the afternoon, the House will release their proposed 2010 supplemental capital budget at 1:30. The budget will be released to media only but will be available along with the other proposed budgets on the Washington Legislature’s website.

Following the release of the Senate and House versions of the 2010 supplemental operating and capital budgets, public hearings will be held in the late afternoon and into the evening.

The Senate Ways & Means Committee will hold a public hearing on the Senate’s proposed operating and capital budgets in the late afternoon. The hearing is scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. in Senate Hearing Room 4 of the Cherberg Building.

In the early evening, the House Ways & Means Committee will hold a public hearing on the House’s proposed 2010 operating budget. The public hearing will begin at 6:00 p.m. in Hearing Room A of the John L. O’Brien Building.

At the same time, the House Capital Budget will hold a public hearing on the House’s propsoed 2010 capital budget. The public hearing will begin at 6:00 pm. in the John L. O’Brien Building in Hearing Room C 

On Wednesday, February 24 the Senate Ways & Means Committee will hold another public hearing focused on the Senate’s proposed revenue package. The public hearing will begin at 3:30 p.m. in the Cherberg Building in Senate Hearing Room 4. 

The House, at this time, is not expected to release a revenue package along with its proposed budgets.