A Flurry of Action Over Revenue…Counting Votes

Though no final revenue agreement has been reached, a flurry of activity between the House and Senate leadership has taken place in efforts to find common ground.

The Senate and House both held Pro Forma sessions today and are expected to hold Pro Forma sessions tomorrow. Though most of the members are away from Olympia,  Senate and House leadership have met multiple times over the last few days to review and exchange offers on a revenue package. In addition, leadership from both chambers have met together with the Governor.

The details of the negotiations over revenue are being held close to the vest as the 30-day deadline for the first special session nears. However, one critical piece of information that has been confirmed is that the Senate has officially removed a plan to temporarily increase the sales tax from current negotiations.

At this time, each chamber is meeting with their respective members regarding the latest proposal in negotiations. If sufficient votes can be counted in favor of a negotiated package, it is possible that the Legislature will be able to conclude the first special session by Tuesday, April 13 the official deadline.