House Tweaks Revenue Proposal…Members and Senate Review

Earlier this week, the Senate released a new revenue package. Yesterday, Finance Chair Ross Hunter announced the House has a slightly-tweaked counter-proposal.

The changes that the House is proposing have not been shared. Representative Hunter did note that the House tweaked version of the Senate’s revenue proposal was presented to House members last night.  In addition, House and Senate leadership were also scheduled to talk last night regarding revenue.

At the time of this post,  the Senate has yet to voice any support or concern on the changes proposed by the House.

The revised package proposed by the Senate further reduces the sales tax increase from two-tenths of 1 percent to one-tenth of one percent and retains the Working Family Tax Rebate. In addition, the new proposal increases the existing tax on beer to 50 cents per gallon; beer with micro-brews exempted, and extends the sales tax to candy and gum with in-state producers getting a jobs tax credit. Finally, the new proposal includes the House’s proposal to raise taxes on all tobacco products, not just cigarettes.

The Senate and House are scheduled for Pro Forma sessions today and tomorrow, Thursday, April 8.  Both chambers are scheduled for floor action and caucus on Friday, April 9.