Proposed State Initiative Would Implement an Income Tax in Washington

Yesterday, Bill Gates Sr., alongside other advocates, announced efforts to move forward an income tax proposal for the November ballot.

Initiative 1077 would be limited to the top 3 percent of earners in the state. The Initiative would allow the earnings above $400,000 for couples at 5% and above $ 1million at 9% to be taxed.  The thresholds would be half of those for individuals.

In addition, the Initiative would reduce the state’s share of property tax by 20% and create large tax credits for small businesses, minimizing the number of businesses that would pay any B&O tax. 

Income-tax initiative

  • Individuals would pay 5 percent income tax on earnings over $200,000 a year and 9 percent on earnings over $500,000. For couples, those tax rates would kick in at $400,000 and $1 million, respectively.
  • The state portion of property tax would be reduced by 20 percent, or slightly more than $160 on the typical $371,800 King County home, according to figures from the assessor’s office.
  • The credit on state business and occupation taxes would rise from $420 to $4,800 a year, eliminating that state tax altogether for 80 percent of businesses and reducing it for another 10 percent, proponents say.
  • Income-tax revenues would offset reductions in property and B&O taxes and would funnel an estimated $700 million into an education trust account for class-size reduction and other purposes, and $300 million to the Basic Health Plan and long-term care.

Initiative 1077 is expected to generate $1 billion a year in new money for education and health programs given these parameters.

The I-1077 campaign will need to collect more than 241,153 valid voter signatures by July 2 to qualify for the November 2 ballot.