Congress Passes Budget Stopgap Legislation

This morning the U.S. Congress passed a continuing resolution to allow for continual funding of federal programs through December 3, 2010.

The stopgap legislation allows the federal government to continue operations at the FY 2010 funding levels. President Obama is expected to sign the bill this Friday.  

The stopgap legislation was the final act of Congress prior to adjourning to their home districts to campaign. Congress will not return to D.C. until November 15 at which point they have their work cut out for them.

Upon their return, Congress will need to pass all twelve appropriation bills by the resolution’s deadline of December 3, pass an omnibus spending bill (which combines several appropriations bills into one), or pass an additional continuing resolution.

To date the U.S. House has passed two of the twelve appropriations bills. The Senate has not passed any appropriations bills, but the Senate Appropriations Committee has approved eleven of the twelve spending bills.