Washington Senate Moves Operating Budget Bill Out of Committee

This afternoon the House Ways & Means Committee took action on the proposed biennial operating budget.  The Committee passed the budget to the floor.

The Senate’s proposed budget reduces state funding to higher education by $617.5 million. Of the total reduction to higher education, state funding for community and technical colleges is $200.3 million (14.4 percent) below the maintenance level and state funding for the four-year, public institutions is $417.3 million (29.8%) lower.

Under this proposed budget state funding for Evergreen is reduced by $14.28 million over the biennium. The reductions to Evergreen’s state funding were offset in part by tuition increases for the 2011-13 biennium as stated in the budget. As a result, the net cut to state funding for Evergreen is $5.78 million (-5.5%).

The budget now goes to the Senate floor – as soon as Monday – for further consideration.