Obama’s Plan Would Provide $30 billion for Education

Today President Obama sent the American Jobs Act  to Congress.

The Act, unveiled last week, is focused on stimulating job growth and the economy. The $450 billion plan- to be paid for through spending cuts identified by the bipartisan deficit-reduction committee which met for the first time last week – includes a variety of efforts ranging from an extension and expansion of the cut in payroll taxes;  an overhaul of unemployment insurance, and aid to states to prevent the layoffs of 280,000 teachers while supporting the hiring of tens of thousands more.

Among the areas for investment, the President proposes $30 billion to repair and modernize buildings at elementary and secondary schools and also community college campuses.

Of the $30 billion, $5 billion is earmarked to build and renovate facilities and other infrastructure at community and tribal colleges. According to the White House the funds would bolster college “infrastructure in this time of need while ensuring their ability to serve future generations of students and communities”.