House Higher Education Committee Meets in Olympia

Last week the House Higher Education Committee completed its tour of the state in Olympia. The Committee concluded their fall tour of the state at South Puget Sound Community College.

The Committee focused their discussion on the future. Members received an overview of the budget with an eye to higher education and an update on the revisions to the state’s Higher Education Master Plan.

The majority of the time was reserved for a conversation between legislators and presidents of Washington’s public baccaluareate institutions and community and technical colleges. The Committee heard from more than a dozen presidents with regard to the future of higher education in Washington, the risks associated with the additional proposed reductions to institutions and financial aid, and the limitations that greater innovations, reforms and efficiencies will have with regard to minimizing the impact of declining state support for higher education.

Among the public baccaluareate presidents that engaged with legislators in this discussion was President Purce alongside Presidents Shepard (Western Washington University) and Floyd (Washington State University).

The next meet of the House Higher Education Committee is scheduled for December 2 at The Capitol.