Governor Invests in Higher Education to Support Aerospace Industry

Yesterday Governor Gregoire held a news conference at Renton Technical College to announce proposals to invest in education to ensure the Boeing 737 MAX is built and manufactured in Washington.

The proposal provides $9.8 million in funding to support aerospace education.

  • $7.6 million to the UW and WSU to enroll 775 more engineering students;
  • $1.5 million with additional support from companies, foundation, and donors to create a Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation at UW and WSU to support university research that will grow the aerosapce sector and lead to new jobs in Washington;
  • $450,000 to expand the Launch Year program and provide 12 high schools with aerospace curriculum support to prepare high school students to enter the workforce. The investment would also provide two Skills Centers with aerospace manufacturing support to help train additional high school students; and
  • $250,000 to add “Project Lead the Way” courses at 10 high schools which focus on problem-solving using STEM fields and skills.

In addition the proposal includes the creation of a Governor’s Aerospace Office to provide focus, direction, oversight, and coordination to grow Washington’s aerospace industry.

The funds would come from a variety of sources including reserves and state dollars.