2012 Supplemental Session: Week 2

Today marks the second week of a sixty day supplemental legislative session.

While committees continue to hold work sessions on various topics, the focus is changing to legislation and the process of hearing and moving bills forward. To learn more follow the links below.

This week the focus of the appropriations committees (i.e. Senate Ways & Means ,  House Ways & Means, House Education Appropriations) will be to review the Governor’s 2012 supplemental capital budget and to learn more, via work sessions, about the new proposed state-entity for coordinating higher education, financial aid, and the accountability and tuition rates at the public, baccalaureate institutions.

In addition, the higher education related committees (i.e. House Higher Education and  Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development) will begin to hear several pieces of legislation introduced this session ranging from a student academic portal to academic advising to three-year baccalaureate programs.