Methods of Designs Week 8 Research

Methods of Design: To finish of the second half of the quarter I decided to look up styles/ categories of designs that people use. The design of a build can have many influences that shape its form, some pertaining to social significance such as past life memories or nostalgic feelings about certain domestic space areas […]

Methods of Designs Week 8 Research

Methods of Design: To finish of the second half of the quarter I decided to look up styles/ categories of designs that people use. The design of a build can have many influences that shape its form, some pertaining to social significance such as past life memories or nostalgic feelings about certain domestic space areas […]

Methods of Designs Week 8 Research

Methods of Design: To finish of the second half of the quarter I decided to look up styles/ categories of designs that people use. The design of a build can have many influences that shape its form, some pertaining to social significance such as past life memories or nostalgic feelings about certain domestic space areas [...]

Koi dreams – Japanese culture

koi fish dancing now

all around my head

while I lay in slumber
at peace within a bed
they dance on to the walls
a quest to dragons gate
where the yellow river falls
and find their blossomed fate
for once they make their journey
they will be transformed
something truly magical
a dragon; they’re reborn

Week 5 Design

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Home- LEED Following up after a week about Sustainable living inside a Tiny home, I was stuck rethinking the sustainable concepts, ideas or the thought of sustainable living in general. simple understanding of sustainability is everything that we need for our existence and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, [...]