On Photography – Book Review

On photography written by Susan Sontag is a very interesting and fresh take on photography. It seems that every sentence had it’s own meaning, giving you the reader a different thought about how society works, politics, history, and how all these things come together because of a camera lens. “To collect photographs is to collect the world” she says, her analysis on how  photography is part of the past, present, and future, as we can forever come back to the events of the past just by looking at a picture, it captures a moment being a biography of the past. Overall a beautiful picture is to be determine by the photographer, deciding the value of the picture, but the value of the image is forever trapped to be display by few, many or all.

The one thing I find most interesting in the book is the conversation between photography and painting. “Photography was painting’s mortal enemy” I find paintings to be great also but only captures what the artists is expressing then that’s it, while photography can give you a brief history of that moment captured saying “yes this did happen” its proof that sums up a picture. It’s a image that has life forever captured.

I would suggest to you that you would take your time reading this book as every sentence feels like something you should write down, you can find yourself a little lost on the history of different photographers and events she brings up, it can sometimes make you want to throw the book out the window. Overall I enjoyed the book, recommend to my classmates.


On Photography – Book Review

On photography written by Susan Sontag is a very interesting and fresh take on photography. It seems that every sentence had it’s own meaning, giving you the reader a different thought about how society works, politics, history, and how all these things come together because of a camera lens. “To collect photographs is to collect the world” she says, her analysis on how  photography is part of the past, present, and future, as we can forever come back to the events of the past just by looking at a picture, it captures a moment being a biography of the past. Overall a beautiful picture is to be determine by the photographer, deciding the value of the picture, but the value of the image is forever trapped to be display by few, many or all.

The one thing I find most interesting in the book is the conversation between photography and painting. “Photography was painting’s mortal enemy” I find paintings to be great also but only captures what the artists is expressing then that’s it, while photography can give you a brief history of that moment captured saying “yes this did happen” its proof that sums up a picture. It’s a image that has life forever captured.

I would suggest to you that you would take your time reading this book as every sentence feels like something you should write down, you can find yourself a little lost on the history of different photographers and events she brings up, it can sometimes make you want to throw the book out the window. Overall I enjoyed the book, recommend to my classmates.


On Photography – Book Review

On photography written by Susan Sontag is a very interesting and fresh take on photography. It seems that every sentence had it’s own meaning, giving you the reader a different thought about how society works, politics, history, and how all these things come together because of a camera lens. “To collect photographs is to collect the world” she says, her analysis on how  photography is part of the past, present, and future, as we can forever come back to the events of the past just by looking at a picture, it captures a moment being a biography of the past. Overall a beautiful picture is to be determine by the photographer, deciding the value of the picture, but the value of the image is forever trapped to be display by few, many or all.

The one thing I find most interesting in the book is the conversation between photography and painting. “Photography was painting’s mortal enemy” I find paintings to be great also but only captures what the artists is expressing then that’s it, while photography can give you a brief history of that moment captured saying “yes this did happen” its proof that sums up a picture. It’s a image that has life forever captured.

I would suggest to you that you would take your time reading this book as every sentence feels like something you should write down, you can find yourself a little lost on the history of different photographers and events she brings up, it can sometimes make you want to throw the book out the window. Overall I enjoyed the book, recommend to my classmates.


They’re bound while I’m blinded, my mind will not define it..

buried in books and boxes

boundless books tower to the tippy top

off the shelf, to every spot

drowning in my table space

with pages that just won’t erase

and sound smarter than I’ll ever be

for so many secrets are hidden as seeds

that flower in sticky soils but my mind has been deceived

I am sick and searching for nutrients I need

looking for the sunshine I’m covered by the leaves

I can’t hold up the burden of all my brain perceives

yet I’m littered with the scraps of who I used to be

does life really matter if I look but cannot see?

They’re bound while I’m blinded, my mind will not define it..

buried in books and boxes

boundless books tower to the tippy top

off the shelf, to every spot

drowning in my table space

with pages that just won’t erase

and sound smarter than I’ll ever be

for so many secrets are hidden as seeds

that flower in sticky soils but my mind has been deceived

I am sick and searching for nutrients I need

looking for the sunshine I’m covered by the leaves

I can’t hold up the burden of all my brain perceives

yet I’m littered with the scraps of who I used to be

does life really matter if I look but cannot see?

They’re bound while I’m blinded, my mind will not define it..

buried in books and boxes

boundless books tower to the tippy top

off the shelf, to every spot

drowning in my table space

with pages that just won’t erase

and sound smarter than I’ll ever be

for so many secrets are hidden as seeds

that flower in sticky soils but my mind has been deceived

I am sick and searching for nutrients I need

looking for the sunshine I’m covered by the leaves

I can’t hold up the burden of all my brain perceives

yet I’m littered with the scraps of who I used to be

does life really matter if I look but cannot see?

They’re bound while I’m blinded, my mind will not define it..

buried in books and boxes

boundless books tower to the tippy top

off the shelf, to every spot

drowning in my table space

with pages that just won’t erase

and sound smarter than I’ll ever be

for so many secrets are hidden as seeds

that flower in sticky soils but my mind has been deceived

I am sick and searching for nutrients I need

looking for the sunshine I’m covered by the leaves

I can’t hold up the burden of all my brain perceives

yet I’m littered with the scraps of who I used to be

does life really matter if I look but cannot see?

They’re bound while I’m blinded, my mind will not define it..

buried in books and boxes

boundless books tower to the tippy top

off the shelf, to every spot

drowning in my table space

with pages that just won’t erase

and sound smarter than I’ll ever be

for so many secrets are hidden as seeds

that flower in sticky soils but my mind has been deceived

I am sick and searching for nutrients I need

looking for the sunshine I’m covered by the leaves

I can’t hold up the burden of all my brain perceives

yet I’m littered with the scraps of who I used to be

does life really matter if I look but cannot see?

They’re bound while I’m blinded, my mind will not define it..

buried in books and boxes

boundless books tower to the tippy top

off the shelf, to every spot

drowning in my table space

with pages that just won’t erase

and sound smarter than I’ll ever be

for so many secrets are hidden as seeds

that flower in sticky soils but my mind has been deceived

I am sick and searching for nutrients I need

looking for the sunshine I’m covered by the leaves

I can’t hold up the burden of all my brain perceives

yet I’m littered with the scraps of who I used to be

does life really matter if I look but cannot see?

They’re bound while I’m blinded, my mind will not define it..

buried in books and boxes

boundless books tower to the tippy top

off the shelf, to every spot

drowning in my table space

with pages that just won’t erase

and sound smarter than I’ll ever be

for so many secrets are hidden as seeds

that flower in sticky soils but my mind has been deceived

I am sick and searching for nutrients I need

looking for the sunshine I’m covered by the leaves

I can’t hold up the burden of all my brain perceives

yet I’m littered with the scraps of who I used to be

does life really matter if I look but cannot see?