Weeks 6, 7, 8 at TC Media + Videos

Over the past 3 weeks I worked primarily in the studio and on editing. I didn’t do any field productions, which was nice considering how rainy it was. And while I did a variety of things, I always did two public meetings every Tuesday – Olympia City Council and the Thurston County Board of Commissioners. here is a meeting where I operated cameras and sound. I managed all the microphones on the mixer and operated the 4 robotic cameras.

The first project I worked on was editing a 2-camera panel discussion that I had shot a few weeks earlier with some other folks. It was a great way to learn how to use the multi-cam editing features on FCPX. The program can be seen here, it’s pretty long.

After that I spent some time working on a segment called “Gabe’s Guess” for the election night show. It was fine to write and produce a whole segment myself. I got to pitch this whole concept, research, write a script, edit the footage, and create the graphics. While the whole thing is pretty simple but it was turned around very quickly. You can see it here, as part of the election show.

Speaking of the election show, I worked on my first ever live studio production on election night! For the actual broadcast I was working teleprompter and managing the phone lines. However, I spent the day before and the day-of planning out the entire show with Robert Kam, a creative services team member. We created the set (there were actually 2 sets) and planned out camera placements and movements. We arranged the lights, which is actually quite a hassle since each light has to be manually moved from one spot to another with a ladder. You can see the show with link above for “Gabe’s Guess.” After the election, I took off early that week to see some relatives for Veteran’s day.

After the election, it was mostly just a series of random things, staff meetings, editing parts of programs for people, and working the county/city government meetings.

Finally, the program “Thurston County Connection” which I went out for an all-day field shoot last month was finished and uploaded! Watch it and enjoy my camera work!


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