I need to find out if there’s enough stuff out there to do a 12 credit contract on arab american women.


One Response to arab american women?

  1. unselj says:

    this is what I answered

    “A quick way to get a sense of the range of material available for your contract topic – go to google scholar and search “arab American women twentieth century”.

    The nice thing about google scholar is that it yields comprehensive results for articles and books – and the search interface is flexible and robust. A good general strategy for searching here is to add and remove search terms as you search and research, to broaden or narrow your focus and range of findings.

    If you do your google scholar search at the college, your search results will include links to “check at evergreen” that make it easier to track down full text for journal articles and holdings for books.

    About narrowing your topic – look at article and book titles to get ideas. Also look at tags.

    Some quick ideas for narrowing your topic based on looking at titles – Arab American women and family life, involvement of Arab American women in public school systems, Arab American women in small town communities, roles of women in Arab American religious congregations, Arab American women and family planning.

    Feel free to respond to the message if you’d like additional information.

    Thanks, Jules”

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