On the final day of class in “Sacred Movement, Sacred Sound,” we will come together and share food and companionship to officially end the program and our time together. Your job is to create a food that has meaning in a particular religious or spiritual tradition, whether it is a holiday (“holy day”) recipe (Christmas cookies, for example) or a food that is considered central to the members of a particular society (see, for example, the spiritual importance of rice, corn, wheat, and other grains). Beverages are great to bring as well, but please do not bring alcohol.

Class on the afternoon of Thursday, December 11, is from 1 to 3. We do not have cooking facilities, but we do have electrical currents, access to bathroom sinks, and all of lunchtime to collect and bring your food item. Please include a sheet of paper with a list of the ingredients (important for people with food sensitivities), the name of the food, and what special day it is attached to. Thank you in advance for doing this important and delicious work.

Here are some collections of holiday and festival recipes from several major religious traditions; surely you will find something!

“Traditional Jewish Holiday Foods”

“Ramadan Recipes”

“Recipes for Hindu Festivals”

“Holiday Recipes – Christian”

“Buddhagate Monastery Recipes”

“Food Timeline of Aztec, Mayan, and Incan Foods”

“Baisakhi [Sikh festival] Recipes”

May 2024
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