Local 360

“Real Food”/Photo by Ashley Welch

Farm to Table in Seattle comes in a wide variety of forms, many of which appear to be more laid back and casual than the places I dined at in Denver. The first restaurant I visited was unique and not necessarily even farm to table. Located in Belltown, Local 360 is a trendy spot where all the ingredients are sourced within 360 miles of the restaurant (except for lemons, limes, and coffee). The menu had a wide variety and the prices ranged from low to high. So this restaurant could easily be accessed by the majority of people. The cocktail list was also very interesting as well and we found ourselves ordering one made with local Communi-tea Kombucha and gin.

Cocktails/Photo by Ashley Welch

Although the foraged mushroom pot pie sounded intriguing, I decided to order their 3 course seasonal tasting menu while my partner decided to stick with a medium rare 14oz New York steak served with housemade fries.

Squash Blossoms/Photo by Ashley Welch

The first course was squash blossoms stuffed with chevre. They were creamy, earthy, and somewhat bitter; a perfect pairing. Yet they were gone all too soon, since there was only three on my plate. Next came the main course, a cut of steak paired with grilled tomatoes and jalepenos. The steak appeared to be blackened or charred. The presentation was beautiful and it tasted delicious too. Their steak is sourced from Double R Ranch and they are wet aged for maximum flavor. (Pasture raised and grain finished as well.)

Seasonal Steak/Photo by Ashley Welch

Finally, for dessert I was presented a lemon meringue creme topped with a macron, pistachios, and rhubarb chunks. Light, tart, and summer-y it was my favorite dish of the whole meal. Everything else was good and almost felt cliche. I was expecting to be wowed with creativity like I was at Mercantile and Fruition, but instead I found a place that is substandard. Local 360 is simply a casual dining area for the millennials and middle aged of Seattle; it gives us a peak of what all restaurants should be like and could be like if ingredients were sourced locally. A place you add into your monthly rotation, because it won’t break the bank and the food is good. For now though, it will appear trendy and innovative until locally sourced ingredients become the new norm.

Dessert/Photo by Ashley Welch

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