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Olympia Eye Doctor Review

November 1st, 2012 · Comments Off on Olympia Eye Doctor Review · olympia

Normally when you are looking at a close subject, your eyes should move together to focus on it, and refocus futher out when you view an object far away. Unfortunately, there are some people who experience a disorder known as convergence insufficiency where this doesn’t happen correctly.

Sufferers of convergence insufficiency may show signs and symptoms such as double or blurred vision, floating words while reading, eyestrain, or closing one eye. These symptoms can be identified by an eye doctor in Olympia like Douglas Jeske. A person with convergence insufficiency may have great vision otherwise.

Usually diagnosed at a young age, it can cause reading to become difficult, and can sometimes even appear to be a learning disability instead. Some people have even been wrongfully diagnosed for disorders like A.D.H.D. and depression, and put on unnecessary medication.

It’s important to know that symptoms are not always present for everyone, and not everyone who has symptoms such as these suffers from convergence insufficiency. If you feel you or a family member may be experiencing symptoms or has a hard time reading, consulting with your eye care professional is an excellent next step!


New Recurring Payments System

July 16th, 2012 · Comments Off on New Recurring Payments System · recurring payments

MerchantOS, Olympia’s fastest growing tech company, is teaming up with Jay Bolton and Roderick Campbell to launch an innovative new recurring billing system called Coral Payments. Most existing companies in the recurring billing industry focus on enterprise level solutions or highly specialized industry software (e.g. property management apps). Coral aims to bridge this gap by providing significantly faster account setup, a user friendly interface, and lower prices.

Coral will offer a variety of recurring payment options, including: credit card, direct deposit, and Dwolla. Features will be limited to the bare essentials in order to streamline the process — their goal is to create a system than can be easily used by their grandparents. Accounts can be setup in as little as 30 seconds and users can process payments immediately, without undergoing several days of credit checks and identity verification procedures.

Their use of Dwolla is an interesting strategic move, especially now that Dwolla’s FiSync network is demonstrating traction. Users who take advantage of their Dwolla accounts pay significantly less than everyone else and are guaranteed 30 second account setup. This could very well become the most popular way to pay rent in coming years.


Chiropractic Website Designs

January 24th, 2012 · Comments Off on Chiropractic Website Designs · Uncategorized

A successful chiropractic website manages to attract high volumes of visitors and converts a significant percentage of those visitors into actual patients. The vast majority of these websites convert less than 1% of all visitors. By contrast, a website that gets nearly everything right will convert anywhere from 8-15% of visitors into patients, depending on the keywords targeted. What differentiates a successful chiropractic website from the rest? Does it boil down to the content, the design, or the opt-in forms?

As you probably guessed, it’s a combination of all of these factors. Successful chiropractic websites websites include easily navigable, minimal designs that compliment the content on any given page. They also usually include personal videos, lots of photos, and simple opt-in forms that allow patients to download a report or request an appointment. These opt-ins are important because it allows the prospective patient to give you their email address or request more information without actually having to call — which is imperative because most people have an aversion to calling strangers. The easier it is for patients to give you information or schedule an appointment, the higher your conversion rates will be able to climb. This is assuming, of course, that you have good information and something valuable to offer.

Which brings me to another point: everyone thinks their content/service is valuable, but very few people stand back and objectively determine whether or not what their offering is unique or worthwhile to an outsider. Chiropractors are especially prone to this error in judgement because they’re surrounded by success stories and the tangible value their services impart to patients. An average website visitor, on the other hand, has probably never gone to a chiropractor, doesn’t know anything about results, and assumes that you’re valueless until you’ve proven otherwise. They’re looking for a quick and verifiable value judgement (i.e. “is this worth my time and money”). If you can provide clear value in under a minute, you’ll double your existing conversion rates.



Simple Point of Sale Software

January 24th, 2012 · Comments Off on Simple Point of Sale Software · point of sale software

Having effective and easy point of sale software can save you time, energy, and headaches. After interviewing a number of prominent retailers, I found that there was consensus regarding which features were most important and how those companies managed to find a point of sale system that met their unique needs. The single most important feature seemed to be inventory tracking. Without an effective tracking interface and the ability to input complex items, even the fanciest point of sale software systems became worthless time traps. One retailer likened the sensation of using his old software to the dread he felt as a kid when he walked through a haunted house. He said his inventory tracking system was convoluted and constantly threw unwelcome surprises at him which would ultimately result in many sleepless nights.

About half of the retailers had managed to find adequate software during their initial search, and the remaining folks had at least one nightmare story about poor quality point of sale software (like the haunted house guy). As an aside, it’s amazing that there are so few good POS systems out there — you’d think this would be a competitive and innovative market.Unfortunately, it isn’t and many retailers suffer through years of headaches and near disasters before finding an easy point of sale software option.

There appear to be two primary types of POS systems: local software and cloud based systems. The local software is usually installed on a computer at the store and runs entirely from your shop. An obvious problem is that your data is then dependent on your individual hardware and can potentially be lost if your computer and hard-drive crash. The alternative to local software is called a cloud based system. This runs entirely off the internet and is backed up across many servers, guaranteeing safety. Cloud based systems are more secure, easier to manage, quicker to fix, and can be improved more often by developers. The only downside to cloud based point of sale systems is that they require access to the internet, but that’s increasingly a non-issue now that internet is ubiquitous and reliable.

Security was also a concern among many retailers. There seems to be an epidemic of hacking and data theft, which puts some business owners at risk of jeopardizing sensitive information if it’s not stored and encrypted properly. This is definitely a huge advantage that cloud based options have over local installations — they’re much more secure because they include professional encryption and very high tech security protocols. Most modern point of sale systems include these standard security measures, but it’s worth double checking before making a commitment or uploading any significant amount of information.

One of the more complicated issues that arose was when a retailer has a physical store and also an ecommerce website. Tying together two inventory systems can be very difficult for stores with a significant amount of product (over 10,000 items). If you’re unfortunate enough to be in this position, be very careful about which system you choose and make sure your services are cross-compatible. Nobody wants to deal with two separate inventory systems for the same business!

On a different note, many retailers wanted to integrate customer relations management systems into their point of sale software. This makes sense because it makes it easier to track your customers, send out newsletters, and create strategically viable marketing campaigns. A small handful of POS software systems now include this integration and some even have plugins directly to services like MailChimp and SalesForce. This might be overkill if you’re a small retailer, but it could be life saving if you plan on scaling your business or if you have a significant number of clients.


Informative Point of Sale Software Reviews

January 12th, 2012 · Comments Off on Informative Point of Sale Software Reviews · point of sale software

Literally thousands of businesses open their doors every month and the vast majority of them struggle with the logistical demands of running a business. Managing inventory, tracking sales, processing credit card transactions, and keeping up with bookkeeping is a full-time job and can seem impossible on top of management and strategic duties. That’s why it’s important for retailers to choose point of sale and inventory tracking software that simplifies and automates workflow. Your POS software and inventory tracking systems would make your life easier and save you from headaches. But how the heck do you choose the appropriate system for your company? There are literally dozens of companies offering point of sale systems, and keeping track of all the features and gizmos can make a person’s head spin.

There are a few valuable resources for information and reviews, but I generally recommend POS-Wizard point of sale software reviews because they have literally hundreds of articles on all of the different systems on the market and they do a good job of breaking down the features in a straightforward way. They’ll explain the differences between cloud based and local point of sale software and some of their articles cover important aspects of inventory tracking that you wouldn’t realize were important until several months of product use. Ultimately, this resource is a great way to save time and money.

One of the most important components of a good POS system is the user interface. This is the component of the software the merchants interact with on a daily basis and it includes the dashboard and the overall graphical interface. A positive UI experience makes it easier to use software and find exactly what you’re looking for without any frustration. Most point of sale software systems cram in too many features and then do a poor job of organizing them, which makes finding even basic functions a pain. MerchantOS has one of the best point of sale software systems in terms of usability. Their interface is clean and user-friendly, but they don’t skimp on important features. It’s a nice balance between form and function. That said, I think they could do an even better job of streamlining the experience in the future (and I’ve heard they’re working on that).

Another potentially irritating logistical nightmare is inventory tracking, especially if you have a fairly large retail store. Tracking and ordering complex items from several dozen suppliers can be very challenging without some form of automation. Luckily, most point of sale systems now include robust inventory tracking systems. Things can still get tricky if you’re trying to integrate brick-and-mortar inventory with an e-commerce website. Very few point of sale systems integrate with e-commerce sites, so it’s worth doing extra homework to guarantee you’re getting the features and integration you’ll need. When in doubt, just ask a sales rep and they’ll usually provide a straightforward answer. If they end up giving you the run around, you probably don’t want to work with them anyway — which is a great segway into my final piece of advise…

Features and a positive user experience are extremely important, but so is customer service. Don’t be afraid to interview a company thoroughly before signing up for their service. Finding the right point of sale software service is really important and it’s easy to get lost in all the features and gizmos. Ultimately, you need a powerful system and an excellent customer support team. Having the right people on your team will save you from lots of headaches and will ultimately save you a ton of time and money. Don’t be afraid to thoroughly interview a company before making a commitment because changing POS software systems can feel like breaking up with a spouse. Try to avoid the hassle and heartache by choosing a company you’ll still love in 10 years.
