Greener Life

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Snow Days

Short story about the snow here at Evergreen: So, Monday, it’s bright and sunny. The flowers are popping up and I’m thinking short and flip flop weather is almost here. To celebrate, I grab my pool towel, shorts, swim shirt and flip flops, and am prepared to hit up the sauna, and maybe the pool, […]

My Human thinks he can Dance…

So my human walks into, I guess our room, and from what I know of him, he doesn’t dance. I think he still can’t, hence the look I gave him. He laughed and kept “dancing”. I think there is some sort of misunderstanding. All this snow must have done something I think.

Snow Day

Coming from California, I’ve only seen large amounts of snow a couple times in my life. Last year was the first time I’d seen snow in about ten years. And this year, we were treated with our first Snow Day this past week. I woke up early Tuesday morning to the sound of my roommate […]

Winter Wonderland

It’s Snowing! I’m not sure how many can relate but I NEVER had a white christmas until moving to Olympia. I never even experienced snow, period. So with that being said I’m sure you can imagine my excitement this last week as powdered sugar has been falling from the sky and covering everything around me. […]

Destroying the Notion of Color

This quarter I’ve been working with medium format color film. Before winter started, I’d only ever worked with 35mm black and white film. Film in general hasn’t been my forte so moving up to color and larger format film was… Continue Reading →

Snow Day in Olympia

The temperate rainforests in Olympia are a great climate to live in because they are, well, temperate. Its never too cold or too hot…always somewhere in the middle, which is definitely a preferred weather pattern  if you ask me. That being said, we don’t get too much snow that actually sticks around here, so when […]

Field Trip to Portland Lan Su Flower Garden

Despite the snow, sleet, and rain, my teacher and several classmates from my Chinese 2 class made the trip to the Chinese Flower Garden in Portland this Sunday. As driver of a school van, it wasn’t the most pleasant experience, however Portland greeted us with sun and a bright Lunar New Year celebration. Learning Mandarin […]

Backyard Adventures

Okay, so I’m from a farming valley in California where it’s basically always summer and we are hours from the beach. Before moving to Olympia I had never even been on a real hike before, just very long walks through flat parks. It took me almost a year to stop drooling every time I would … Continue reading Backyard Adventures

Writing From Life

So this quarter I decided to take 8 credits rather than 16, because I was getting surgery over winter break and didn’t want too much to worry about. I am so happy I decided to take the classes that I am in because I am getting so much out of them! Right now I am … Continue reading Writing From Life

Chemistry Lab and how I am doing so far~

Something I really appreciate about Evergreen is how many chances we get to do labs. Right now I am taking 12 credits of INS (biology and chemistry) and a 4 credit night class (physics). Being in three heavy sciences is… Continue Reading →

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