This in-program project, entitled The Terroir of Birth, is designed to explore the socioeconomic impacts on nutrition and longterm health during pregnancy and early childhood development. Specific learning objectives are to gain a foundational understanding of childbirth and birth policy (specifically in Washington), and to investigate the impact that food and diet have on one’s microbiome. Time will also be spent researching various social, financial, and political factors that influence the healthcare a mother may or may not receive during pregnancy. Work will be documented on a WordPress site and will include informational blogposts, infographics, links to further reading, and photos when possible. Texts to be studied include: Farmacology by Dr. Daphne Miller, Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin, and First Bite by Bee Wilson. Films to be viewed include Freedom For Birth, MicroBirth, One World Birth, Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and The Farm Midwives, and Midwife. Potential resources may include Penny Simkin, Jennifer Lang, Stephen Bezruchka, and Constance Frey.


Learning Objectives Activities that will help me to attain this objective What my sponsor will evaluate
What are the basics of pregnancy and childbirth? Read: Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth

Watch: Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and The Farm Midwives

Watch: Midwife

Sign up to take a Doula Skills Workshop (summer)

Outline on wordpress site

Review books read on WordPress site

What impact do food and diet have on a mother’s health in relationship to her microbiome, and what impact do they have on her child and that child’s microbiome? Read: Farmacology by Dr. Daphne Miller

Read: First Bite by Bee Wilson

Watch: MicroBirth

Contact Penny Simkin of Bastyr University

Contact Constance Frey

Contact Jennifer Lang

Write book reviews and post them to my WordPress site

Post interviews as blog posts on WordPress site

Interview Jennifer Lang

Develop connections and hypotheses between information collected and outline on WordPress site

What are the socioeconomic impacts on nutrition and health during pregnancy and early childhood? Interview Jennifer Lang


Watch: Freedom for Birth

Watch: One World Birth

Post interviews as blog posts on WordPress site

Develop connections and hypotheses between information collected and outline on WordPress site