Native and Cultivated Geographic Ranges

Today, China is still the largest producer of tea in the world. The growth of tea in China is said to have started around 2000 years ago. The geographic range of tea growth in China ranges from 18 to 37 degrees North and from 95 to 122 degrees South. Chinese teas are grown from five different provinces. Yunnan is close to the Himalaya Mountains. Because of the high altitudes, the tea, processed black, has a rich flavor and no astringency. The other provinces are in Eastern China. The tea grown from the low altitude Anhui region is a black tea with a slight chocolate flavor called Keemun. Fujian and Jiangxi produce lower quality teas that are mostly used for blends. The Zhejiang region is known for its gunpowder tea.

India is a huge exporter of tea. Because the country is so large with so many different climates and attitudes, the country produces many varieties and qualities of tea. Some of the plants are indigenous to China, while others are Native. There are also hybrids. South Indian teas are similar to taste from Sri Lanka, being at a similar plateau. Northern Indian teas are produced in Darjeeling, Assam, Doars, and Terai. Darjeeling tea is considered some of the highest quality tea in the world. The quality is said to be also due to its fine plucking. Assam is a low altitude region densely forested. It is challenging to clear but said to have very high quality tea.

Tea was introduced to Sri Lanka and Taiwan from the British in the later half of the 19th century. Sri Lanka mostly cultivates black teas. Tea here is grown at low, medium, and high altitude. Major producing regions are Llva and Dimbula. Oolong teas processed here are what’s given the regions its notoriety around the world. The Brits also introduced tea farming to East Africa where they had set up colonies. The quality grown in East Africa does not compare to the teas of Yunnan or Darjeeling. Teas grown in Japan are mainly green teas and 97% is consumed locally. During the 19th century tea spread to Russia but the quantity or quality is very high.

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