Meaning – most of us at Evergreen would love to meet your dog some time. And many of us would love to meet your weed at some point, too.

dog-wigBUT you should probably leave them both at home when you come to school. (Trained service dogs excepted.)

About legal weed, though, I asked a campus cop if there’s a school policy about it. He said there’s a general drug and alcohol policy but nothing specific to newly legal weed.

From what I could tell, the campus police are not going to be looking for your weed. But if they catch you smoking it or waving it around or something, they will react. For a couple of reasons.

1) There is a legal age limit – you have to be 21, just like with alcohol in this state – so if they catch you with it and you are under 21, they will bust you same as for beer.

2) Because the college gets federal funds, the feds have a right to enforce their laws if they want. And as far as the feds are concerned, weed is still illegal.

It’s not likely that the feds are going to swoop down on Red Square or anything, but still, it’s good to know they could if they wanted to.

Feds aside, though, if the campus police meet your weed, for whatever reason, they likely will just ask you to leave campus and take it with you. Unless you get shitty about it, so it’s probably best not to get shitty about it. If you are under 21, you’re busted.

Bottom line is – just leave your weed – and your non-service pets – at home. If you must, leave your weed in your pocket and leave your dog at home. Our campus cops are pretty laid back, and we all can help in our own small ways to help them stay that way.


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