Category: Olympia Present


Water Pollution #2

In  April of 2007 after the Port of Olympia (port) found elevated levels of dioxins in an area scheduled for maintenance dredging. Dioxins were found through out Bud Inlet however  the highest levels of dioxins were found in sediments...


Personal Refection

At the start of my study at the East Bay Waterfront Park I was determined to not get attached to it. I wanted to view it as a scientific study and with those one...



” A sense of place results gradually and unconsciously from inhabiting a landscape over time, becoming familiar with its physical properties, accruing history within its confines.” –Kent Rydon This quote perfectly describes my experience...


Marine Life

Despite the pollution in East Bay Waterfront Park marine life is still managing to live there. In my area of study in the East Bay Waterfront Park I have noticed much sea life from barnacles, to...


Human Impact

Humans have impacted everywhere on Earth, there is no area that is pristine from the our species touch at this point in time. Specially in my area of study human impact is very obvious...


The Dock

The dock has proven to be a resource for humans and wildlife. Humans use the dock as a place of learning because of its informative signs, as a view point to look out over...


Water Pollution

It is clear that the water in the inlet in East Bay Waterfront Park is pollutied. Every time I have gone to my area of study I see signs of it: trash left around...


Veiw Point Three.

Location: Left of area of study, along East Bay Drive Northeast. Sight: Area of study Dock Marina Trees Grass and vegetation Wind blowing blossoms off of trees The capital Homeless people under the dock...