Personal Refection

At the start of my study at the East Bay Waterfront Park I was determined to not get attached to it. I wanted to view it as a scientific study and with those one must distance themselves emotionally from the object or area of study. I took field notes with my personal options and kept the facts purely on science of my observations. However did come to love basking in the small meadow like area with the smell of the ocean and surrounding flowers filling my nose. On my most recent trip I was horrified to see the flowers and long grass that I enjoyed sitting in to have been cut between my visits. It made me feel sick. How could someone do that to the only spark of natural beauty in this area? All around it is contreat roads, houses, man-made paths, and human planted vedgitation. This was the only area left in East Bay that had any sort of nature feel to it.  Overall I accomplished my goal of keeping my study scientific but failed because i did grow emotionally attached to my area of inquiry.


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