View Point Two


  • left of area of study in East Bay Waterfront Park along Olympia Ave.

Sight Obsevations:

  • birds
  • bird houses on pillars
  • crustaceans on pillars
  •  large rocks on left side mud flat on right
  • pipe with water coming out
  • undercurrent caused by pipe
  • mud flat
  • trees
  • empty dock
  • cars on road
  • houses and apartments behind study area
  • marina
  • trash
  • herin and duck
  • homeless people under dock

Sound Obsevations:

  • swimming duck
  • people walking by
  • kids playing
  • cars
  • wind
  • log trucks
  • water movement

Sent Observations:

  • detritus
  • car exhaust
  • freshly cut grass


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