Yarden CST wk 5

Yarden CST wk 5

Yarden Solomon, CST post week 5!

‘”…I think everyone’s waiting for the next big thing.”

“You think?”

This week in our maker space there was a much more active and positive energy. People were 3d printing excitedly, I noticed  huge transformation in projects and ideas, and a new found confidence and optimism. It’s interesting how creating things gives us a strong sense of purpose and makes our lives more meaningful. People find such an importance in innovating and creating that they often feel “useless” without it. I wonder if this is something that is taught to us, or if animals and plants also have this inner drive to create and make.

“Perry, New Work is the most important thing that ever happened to some of those people. It was the high point of their lives. It was the only time they ever felt useful.”‘