Category: Permaculture


Interview with Ed Bernhardt

Ed Bernhardt was my teacher during the tropical medicinal plant course at the New Dawn Educational Center in Costa Rica. He has been been working in the field of naturopathy and sustainable living for...


Self Evaluation

This quarter was the most challenging, yet most rewarding quarter yet completed. Writing and completing an in class ILC brought the biggest self motivational push I have experienced in my learning career, and working...


Bananas in Costa Rica

Natural History The natural history of bananas are complex, and a common understanding is that the modern day banana is created out of the plantain. There are two wild ancestors that created the modern...


Finca Inti

FARM Walking through the food forest was like being in the Garden of Eden, experiencing the freedom and flavor of eating right off the land. Finca Inti, finca meaning farm, and Inti, the name...


Cacao Crazy in Costa Rica!

First day upon arriving on Costa Rica’s luscious caribbean side, I was lucky to find the most delicious and unique cacao I have ever savored. It wasn’t from one of the well established  bean...