Have you lost your thumb drive??

Did you know that people leave thumb drives behind in the Computer Center all the time? (I know, hard to believe..)  We have an extensive lost and found with all sorts of stuff left behind, and a special system for thumb drives.  We’d love to get yours back to you if you think you might have left one behind in one of the computers.

When we find a drive left in the center, we log it in our lost and found system and then try and contact the owner if we can dig up that information.  Please stop by the computer center consultant desk (and bring ID) if you think this might be you and we will happily reunite you with your data!

3 thoughts on “Have you lost your thumb drive??

  1. angellesmelle

    that could be really bad if you dig through the thumb drive and find like… really private stuff or something. Maybe you guys shouldn’t do that

  2. ripsu Post author

    Thanks for voicing your concern. We’re looking at this policy closely to try and find a balance between getting drives back to users as fast as possible while at the same time respecting everyone’s privacy. Stay tuned..

  3. peter

    I agree. How about strongly advising people to set the name of their drives to their Evergreen usernames or just their names?
    Or to keep a small text file with that info in the drive’s main directory, and leaving anything private in folders? I do think you should avoid poking into the folders if at all possible . . .

    On balance, though, if you have things that are horribly private, don’t 1) carry it on a thumb drive that you 2) leave lying around . . .

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