Category Archives: Tutorials

Get trained with

Evergreen students, staff and faculty have free access to hundreds of online software tutorials at courtesy of Lynda Weinman, ‘76. Evergreen community members can now receive unlimited access to a vast library of high-quality, current, and engaging video tutorials taught by recognized industry experts, simply by logging into and selecting the link under Community. offers hundreds of video tutorials for an enormous range of software including:

  • AutoCAD
  • SPSS
  • Excel and other Office products
  • ProTools and Logic
  • CS5 (Photoshop, InDesign)
  • C++ and Python
  • and lots lots more..

With a account you can save your progress on the lessons and receive updates via email. It’s a great way to improve your skills, learn new technologies and experiment. adds 24 courses per month, so there is always new stuff to discover.  Check it out and thanks Lynda!!

DropBox, Grab Anywhere File Storage

Dropbox-ArtMore often than not, college students use some form of technology to complete homework assignments. In fact, 75% of college students have said that they can’t study without it. With all the various electronic tools readily available, it can be difficult to keep track of files between multiple personal gadgets like as flash drives, tablets, laptops, smart phones, etc. I can’t count how many times I have spent the night … Continued

Photoshop: Basic Editing

Corrections-featuredAdobe Photoshop is a terrific tool for enhancing images. Whether you’re editing an old, sun-bleached photo from the 70’s or making snow day pictures look less blue, Photoshop has a few simple and easy tools to help. Unfortunately some photos are too low of quality to begin with and can’t be helped as much as we’d like. For example, some images are either too dark or too light, and there isn’t any detail to be enhanced; this tutorial might not help with these types of photos. Here are a few basic tools and tricks, though, to help you make your pictures all that they can be!

Moving Your WordPress

moving-your-wordpress-featuredA few months after graduation, students lose access to their my.evergreen information. Former Student accounts can be requested, but even then you lose access to a lot of tools offered to current students. One of those tools is blogs.evergreen. Blogs.evergreen gives students a domain and account with which to make WordPress-based blogs or websites. Some students are asked to create … Continued

Tuning Your Home Wifi Network for Speed

dark-knight-routerThis quick guide will help you achieve better overall internet speed, especially if you live in a wireless dense area like an apartment complex or dorm. You can read our beginner’s guide to wifi security here.  Before we begin: This guide assumes you can connect to your router directly and are familiar enough to change settings in the web interface. Our … Continued

5 Tips To Improve Your Google Search

Blog-PictureChances are Google is your go-to internet search engine. Just getting started on research? Google it. Need a few ideas? Google it. Thought of something cool? Google it. But Google, growing gregariously day by day, guiltlessly grosses gains as well as gallimaufry. So here are five convenient tips to get the results you need. When Google goes out into the … Continued