I am a college basketball player that also desires to expand his mind in the horizons of perspective. I thrive on trying to be as open minded as possible to learn as much as i can to relay messages to the next generation to help the process of their own success. i have a unique desire to become a philosopher or if not one have the thought process and mind of one. i dream of thinking on higher and higher waves lengths everyday to have more to give to the youth when the time to teach comes but i also want to do that with the natural talents i have as a motivational speaker and athlete. i want to be able too travel the world and change lives with positive energy and insight on the world around us. so this is my souls mission and i am at the perfect place to accomplish i that i desire and this program helps because its out of a different lens. it’s not just the oppression of blacks/African Americans. it is most certainly humbling seeing others enduring the same pain as you. and now we have the opportunity or at least i have the opportunity to learn oppression and triumph from a different perspective and apply that to my life in order to become an even greater and knowledge filled being that can change the world with the insight of the world.

the world is in your hands kid