While nothing new or major happened with my research this week, I feel pretty good about the progress I’ve made with my paper. I expanded it to 7 pages, with roughly 2200 words after I went through the revisions and critiques from the peer review and from Kris. In all honesty, I didn’t feel like the first peer review was very helpful because I had so little to work with that it was pretty obvious that everything needed to be expanded and I didn’t really have any direction for the revision process. But Kris gave me some really helpful notes and critiques and I ended up feeling pretty good about my paper this week when I turned it in.

I’ve made some new connections for my paper that I didn’t previously have like the idea of female empowerment being a main theme of it. I know that I still have quite a lot to work on with my paper like making it more of a narrative rather than an academic essay which is what I’m used to. Its still something I know I’ll struggle with going forth with this paper and the writing process of this specific paper but I like the challenge of it.

I definitely need to do a little more research and brush up on the MLA rules but otherwise I’m starting to feel good about this paper as we go into week 8.