Tag Archives: films
Birth of the Dragon (2017) film notes
white director inaccurate portrayal of bruce lee -> shown as a cocky asshole who just wants to fight -> idolization issues – were they really trying to make out bruce lee to be a bad guy, or were they just writing him … Continue reading
Kumu Hina (2014) film notes
this is the second time i’ve seen this!! mahu -> third gender (hawaiian) hina wong-kalu -> hula teacher at lahau lokahi colonization fucked up hawaii’s aloha -> US missionaries condemned hula + other practices -> “after 200 years of colonization… we … Continue reading
pasifika lecture notes
polynesia, micronesia, melanesia purpose of this lecture: to bring awareness to an erased peoples oral traditions being a big reason why pasifika peoples aren’t well-known why did i join this program? -> to learn more about myself and other asian/pi … Continue reading
lilo and moana (pt 2): disney and limited worldviews
it was ironic that i posted something about lilo and moana last week and that we discussed both of those movies in the pasifika lecture (that i will be posting notes on after this post!). i feel like i didn’t … Continue reading
Mississippi Masala (1991) film notes
rated R for “sensuality” all asian ppl getting forced out of Uganda -> “africa is for africans. black africans” (true!!!) ->immigration + asian communities as they leave “take whatever you want from the house” dad crying, doesn’t explain why they’re … Continue reading
lilo and moana: brown girls on screen
as a kid, i only saw myself reflected in media a few times, and that was through dora the explorer, pocahontas, aladdin and lilo and stitch. there are some serious problems with at least two of these movies and my family associating baby me … Continue reading
short notes on The Beautiful Country (2005) film viewing
cosplay and colorism: on cosplaying while poc
i’ve been cosplaying for a while now. i think i started getting into the art form (yes, i call it an art form. it takes a lot more work than you would think!) around middle school. i had a friend … Continue reading
asian/americans, hip hop, and the complexity of black/brown relations
content warning(s) (CW): discussions of antiblackness, cultural exhange between asian folks/black folks, music, car culture, cursing/swearing i live in tacoma when i’m not stuck in the overwhelming space that is olympia. i’ve lived there for a while now, and my … Continue reading
The Debut (2000) film notes
Dante Basco -> filipino actor + voice actor (VA) -> zuko (avatar: the last airbender), jake long (american dragon: jake long), Rufio in that one peter pan movie fight with his dad about his college/career choices -> “you’re ungrateful!” “your … Continue reading