Tag Archives: pacific islander american
Kumu Hina (2014) film notes
this is the second time i’ve seen this!! mahu -> third gender (hawaiian) hina wong-kalu -> hula teacher at lahau lokahi colonization fucked up hawaii’s aloha -> US missionaries condemned hula + other practices -> “after 200 years of colonization… we … Continue reading
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Tagged asian american, diaspora, films, history, pacific islander american, politics, pop culture, racial identity, week 8
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pasifika lecture notes
polynesia, micronesia, melanesia purpose of this lecture: to bring awareness to an erased peoples oral traditions being a big reason why pasifika peoples aren’t well-known why did i join this program? -> to learn more about myself and other asian/pi … Continue reading
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Tagged animated, art, asian american, diaspora, films, history, movies, pacific islander american, politics, pop culture, racial identity, research, week 8
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