Rock: Week 2

Stereotypes and expectations, a Venn Diagram or complete synonyms?

stereotype (n) – a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing

  • strong synonym: pattern
  • mild synonyms: average, boilerplate, convention, custom, fashion, formula, institution, mold
  • poor synonym: received idea

expectation (n) – a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future

archaic – one’s prospects of inheritance

  • strong synonyms: assumption, chance, confidence, fear, forecast, hope, intention, likelihood, notion, outlook, possibility, prediction, promise, prospect, trust, view
  • mild synonyms: apprehension, assurance, calculation, conjecture, design, expectancy, motive, presumption, probability, reliance, supposition, surmise, suspense
  • poor synonym: looking forward

tvtropes has an absurdly long list that I’ll delve in at a later post.

I originally had this all typed out and explained with context but honestly, I need to lay down.