A Haunting Personal Connection

So at this point I believe, I have acquired all of the research that I need for my final paper. I have well over seven sources, and at this point more than anything I think I may have to many sources, I tends to overwrite papers. I’m not sure exactly where to go from here. But I know one thing I can do is create annotated bibliographies of my sources that I have currently. If nothing else, it might help me sort out what I do and don’t not want to use.

Cho, Grace M. “Eating Military Base Stew.” Contexts, vol. 13, no. 3, Summer, 2014, pp. 38-43, Ethnic NewsWatch, https://evergreen.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search-proquest- com.evergreen.idm.oclc.org/docview/1555639492?accountid=11199, doi:http://dx.doi.org.evergreen.idm.oclc.org/10.1177/1536504214545759.

In this article Grace Cho utilizes her personal ambiguous feelings about a “traditional” Korean meal to inform the reader both about the meal itself, as well as the awkward history around it. Cho explains the way in which Koreans were forced to first began making this meal and why it continues to persist as component of Korean food culture as well as Korean-American food culture. Additionally, the pieces and exploration of how her own family and life is a reflection of the story of this dish. An additional point of note about this piece is that it is written from the first-person perspective and stylistically is much like the example essays given for our final project.

I’m not really sure if this piece is going to have a place in my final paper. It has however been very significant to me because it has shed light on the culture that my father was a part of during his deployments to Korea. While I can think of some ways to integrate the ideas of this article into my final paper I think more than anything it is likely going to be utilized as an example of how to write in the style. I am going to have to spend some quality time trying to figure out where this piece fits in.