Notes and Observations of the week

When we read the paper “Accidental Asian” it was very interesting since I’ve never thought about the word Asian American and what it means. Reading this book gave me the perspective of how the term came to be used and what it might really mean, how a lot of people felt/feel about the term. It makes me think about not just Asian Americans but all terms that group people together. We discussed in class if that should even be an offensive thing, if it’s a necessity or if it’s a simplicity. Quite a few people seemed to think it was necessary for white people but didn’t really give any arguments for that or examples but I was curious, there were arguments against it though. Either way, the paper was interesting to me, gave me insight on what that term might mean to other people and how general it really is. It also made me realize that there are a lot of very general terms such as white, Caucasian, Hispanic etc. I don’t think you can really give a definitive answer to if these terms are for simplicity or necessity, I’m not even sure what is meant by it being a necessity? When I think of the word necessity I think of something that is required, or indispensable, how does that apply? I’m not sure.