Research Progress

I’m going to spend this weekend doing some research on my resources. What books, papers, articles, anything related to what I want to write my paper on. Since I don’t have a super concise idea of what I want my paper to be about, I’m going to use this research to 1) find resources, and 2) clarify my topic. I basically want to get more into the details of, I suppose “real history”. Not to say the history I’ve learned wasn’t real, but I want to get different perspective, memoirs, biographies, etc. We’ve been reading some historical fictions and it’s interesting since I get to hear about history from a perspective I’ve never seen, or things I never really thought about, ways people experience their heritage and how much different it is from the way I experience mine. Maybe it’s because I’m so much more disconnected from my heritage, I mean I’m not even really sure what I am. I get told I’m Irish, Canadian, German, Native American, a long list of things. I’ve never really felt any connection to any of those and no one in my family has ever tried to give me a sense of what it means to be whatever it is I am.