With Thanksgiving on the horizon, I’ve been thinking a lot about my family and the idea of “home” we’ve been focusing so much discussion on.

Honestly, I’m pretty happy with how much final paper is coming along and I think it’ll be in great shape when it comes time to turn it in.  However, I’m mulling over the idea of changing the angle of my essay, specifically the part about home to something more personal.  I was always dead set on doing my essay about the work of filmmaker Takashi Miike, specifically his film Audition.  Chico encouraged us not to overlook our pop-culture obsessions and he’s been one of mine since I was in high school.  It’s the “home” part that has been up in the air for me.

This will be the first Thanksgiving with my family since my sister Kayla passed away last January.  It happened really fast.  Meningitis.  She thought she had the flu and made a doctor’s appointment for a few days later.  When she woke up the next day and couldn’t walk, she was rushed to the hospital.  After two days and a couple of surgeries, she was in a coma without brain activity.  It became clear she wouldn’t survive.  My parents made the decision to pull her off of life support.

I was going to school in New Hampshire at the time and was living with my girlfriend.  I was called into the Dean’s office one afternoon.  My parent’s broke the news to me over the phone.  It was surreal and fucked up.  I can’t really describe it any other way.  I ended up withdrawing from school and moved back home to Olympia.  This is what brought me to Evergreen.

So, that’s where I’m at.  I’m not entirely sure I’ll include any of this in my final essay, but I felt it would be almost dishonest to write about “home” and not include this chapter of my life, in some way.

So, watch the parade.  Hug your family.  Hug your friends.  Eat too much food.  I’ll raise a glass for my sister.

Happy Thanksgiving all.