Baby Scissors

Week 1: Thoughts on the Run

WHAT A WEEK. I was pleasantly surprised to see how many people I know and have seen before this program. That’s cool. I hope that my shyness doesn’t get in the way of connecting other people.

We had our first seminar on Friday and it’s kind of surprising to find out that it’s only an hour long. The funny part is we were on the first floor for mini-lecture, then the third floor for seminar and then back to the first floor to finish out the afternoon session. But anyway I’m excited to read the books and see how much I will learn. Also, this is my first blog, which is cool.

When I saw this program in the course catalog I knew I had to register. I have never learned Asian American studies as its own subject before. Funny how when I have learned of it it’s just been a secondary subject under the big one. Never a focal point. There’s just so much richness in the history and culture that education doesn’t get to unless you get into the college level. So now that I have my chance in studying what I’ve always wanted to study, I’m going to keep my mind open and absorb as much as I can.