Unstructured Scissors Post

Week 6: In before the weekend rush

It’s 8:39PM Wednesday. Since I’ve been home I have stayed on our sofa chaise wrapped in a blanket with my computer on my lap. I’ve been at this for a while! And I figured that I should do a post…you know, do something productive during this time. So this weekend will be pretty full. I won’t be in class on Friday because between Thursday afternoon – Saturday morning I will be at a student governance retreat in…Tacoma? I think it’s in Tacoma, pretty sure it’s in Tacoma. I’m pretty excited to go on this trip. It’ll be like a break from the daily life. It’s just that there won’t be a lot of time for me to work on my paper. Saturday night Jackson and I are going to this ACLU fundraiser dinner in Seattle. And then on Sunday we are inviting two friends over for a potluck type thing. We met our two cool friends at Highline College while working at the Center for Leadership and Service. One of them is a student at Evergreen and the other goes to St. Martin’s. So yes, busy weekend. Jackson and I also have to buy food for this thing and clean the apartment. LOL yeah that has to happen. Here are other things that are going on in my mind…

1) I am SO craving noodles. Jackson and I had salads for lunch today and he wasn’t feeling well so he went to the bookstore to buy a cup of noodles. While he was eating that, I was thinking about making noodles for us next week and just thinking of all the possibilities. I really think I can do it!

2) And for hours now I’ve been on YouTube watching vegan recipe videos, like I’ve been doing all quarter. It started in the summer with the Astig Vegan which is a Filipino  vegan channel. Lately I’ve been watching Cheap Lazy Vegan (hosted by Rose who is Korean-Canadian) and the Viet Vegan. And you know what I don’t even like follow recipes but they’re all giving me ideas for what to do. There is so much vegan content on YT, I can just get lost in it and that is why this post is taking me such a long time.

3) This program is more than halfway over… we have two books left to read… draft number 2 is due on Tuesday. I get that feeling of I wish we could do more even though we’ve done a lot already. I’m just thinking… next week is week 7 and we don’t have the Friday class and then it’ll be week 8 when we have seminar again and week 8 is soooo close to week 10 which is the definite end where we do evaluations and academic statements.

And then it’s going to be 2018 and I’ll be graduating. SO a bunch of scary stuff is happening but I have to put the scary stuff in mind otherwise I wouldn’t make post-grad plans. Ugh. Anyway, I’m super tired and there’s a sink full of dishes I have to clean because I’m also a housewife (rolls eyes). Until next time 😉